Unique advantages of the industrial sector in Tijuana

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Tijuana is one of the most important cities in mexico, this is thanks to its strategic location, important economical growth  and its an important location for the industrial sector.

the industrial sector in Tijuana is one of the most important in the country, it benefits highly from the easiness on wich you are able to move merchandise from the manufacturers directly to the unided states or viceversa, as well as having the benefits of having a port only a couple of hours away in the city of ensenada, this helps reduce trasnporting costs, beacuse it can be taken in mere hours to the port for shipping.

recently a plan has been implemented which will benefit a lot of companies in the region with lower energy costs, this is directed to all manufacturers that consume a large quantity of energy in its production process. this agreement was made between a private company and the goverment to be able to administer electric energy to the region. you can read more about this here aquí.

all this, has made the industry in tijuana to be one of the most prosperous in the country, making this  an important economic engine for the country.

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