¿Why is Baja California the ideal state for industry investment?

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Strategic Location

Located on the peninsula of Baja California in northwestern Mexico, adjacent to the borders of the states of California and Arizona in a length of 253 km. These geographical characteristics have generated a favorable business environment for investment, this mega region known as Cali-Baja consists of various binational cities, including San Diego, Imperial Beach in the United States and Tijuana, Mexicali and Ensenada in Mexico.

Thanks to the proximity of the cities, the region offers immediate access to the North America and global markets in the Pacific Rim, adding to that, the state has individual talent, research and development, market access, as well as a high quality of life, resulting in unique opportunities that have given added value to investor’s projects.


In 2015, according to INEGI, the state of Baja California has a total population of 3 315.766 people with an almost equal percentage of distribution between men and women and a growth rate of 2.4% annually. The average age of the population is 26 years Baja California characterizing the Baja California society as a young population in general.


The population of Baja California is characterized by highly educated people, highlighting the fact that out of 100 people between 15 and 24 years old, 98 are literate; more than 17% of the population over 15 years of age have some degree approved in higher education, this reflects great state’s ability to create capable talent, bringing a myriad of skills and professionalism so the manual labor quickly incorporates into activities that require highly specialized personnel.

Incentive programs for foreign trade

Taking into account the above advantages the state government of Baja California offers various programs that encourage foreign investors.

Import Tax Refund to Exporters (DRAWBAK)

This program offers the possibility of obtaining the return of the general import tax paid on goods which were incorporated into export goods

Decree for Development and Operation of the Maquiladora Export Industry (IMMEX)

It is an instrument that allows the temporary importation of goods for use in an industrial or service process for the production, processing or repair of goods of foreign origin, without payment of the general import tax, the added value tax and, where appropriate, compensation quotes.

These and many more advantages make California an ideal region for foreign investment

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